
发布时间:Apr 8, 2022点击量:










2012.09-2016.06 广西大学,安全工程专业,学士

2016.09-2021.06 中国科学技术大学,安全科学与工程,博士

2019.11-2020.11 美国伍斯特理工学院WPI,消防工程系,联合培养博士

2021.7-至今 中国地质大学(武汉),工程学院特任副教授,博士后(合作教授:倪晓阳)




[1] Bo Li*, Yangjin Shi, Kaihua Lu. Interpretation on heat feedback mechanism and mass burning rate in two unequal pool fires with wind flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 232 (2024) 125913.

[2] Bo. Li, Gexin. Wu, Yangjin. Shi, Yujie. Xie, Shaohua. Mao*. Experimental study on the flame performance and burning characteristics of two unequal rectangular pool fires. Fuel. 369 (2024) 131689.

[3] Bo Li *, Yangjin Shi, Shaohua Mao, Xiaoyang Ni, Kaihua Lu. Experimental investigation of the characteristics of flame geometry and heat transfer from wind-driven pool fires. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 53 (2024) 102695

[4] Bo Li, Li Wang, Shaohua Mao, Kaihua Lu, Xiaoyang Ni*, Study on the ceiling gas temperature distribution, fire merging, and flame length induced by twin tunnel fires under reduced pressures. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 203 (2024) 109149.

[5] Shaohua Mao, Shishan Liu, Songyang Yu, Bo Li*. Experimental investigation of the burning characteristics of aviation fuel under atmospheric cross wind conditions. Fuel.332 (2023) 125981.

[6] Bo. Li, Michael A. Delichatsios*, Jie Ji*, Albert Simeoni. Experimental and theoretical study of combustion and aerothermodynamic effects on the flame structure from wind-driven rectangular fires. Fire Safety Journal.134 (2023) 103734.

[7] Bo. Li, Tian. Tan, Tao. Duan, Xiaoyang. Ni, Shaohua. Mao. The impact of ambient pressure on the gas temperature near the ceiling and air entrainment caused by two fires in a tunnel. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 46 (2023) 102253.

[8] Bo. Li, Fanliang Ge, Jie Ji*. Experimental study on interaction mechanism on the mass burning rate in two n-heptane fires with cross airflows. Fire Safety Journal.134 (2022) 103676.

[9] Bo. Li, Huaxian. Wan, Long. Ding, Jie. Ji*. Predicting radiative heat fluxes from two buoyant turbulent diffusion flames from burning propane under cross wind. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 38 (2021) 4897–4906.

[10] Bo. Li, Long. Ding, Albert. Simeoni, Jie. Ji*, Huaxian. Wan, Longxing Yu. Numerical Investigation of the flow characteristics around two tandem propane fires in a windy environment. Fuel. 286 (2021) 119344.


国际燃烧协会会员;中国消防协会会员;美国消防工程师会员;国家自然科学基金评议专家;Fuel Process Safety and Environmental ProtectionFire safety journal、《安全与环境工程》、《中国安全科学学报》等期刊审稿人。

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