张俊荣,男,1993年8月出生,汉族,江苏东台人,副教授,工学博士(后),中国地质学会会员,IEEE member。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、博后面上基金项目1项,横向科研项目1项,主持实验室开放基金项目2项,参加国家重点研发计划等科研项目十余项。累计发表论文32篇(第一/通讯作者SCI论文10篇),含ESI高被引、热点2篇,学术成果被Google学术引用802次。累计授权国际发明专利13项、国家发明专利40项、软件著作权14项,其中第一作者国际发明专利4项、国家发明专利10项、软件著作权7项。实现专利转化1项(2万元),应用4项。《Frontiers in Earth Science》、《Water》客座主编。
2025.02-至今 中国地质大学(武汉) 副教授
2021.07-2025.01 中国地质大学(武汉) 岩土工程 博士后
2018.10-2019.12 University of British Columbia 地质工程 联合培养博士
2015.09-2021.06 中国地质大学(武汉) 地质工程 工学博士
2011.09-2015.06 中国地质大学(武汉) 土木工程(路桥方向) 工学学士
(1) 滑坡地质灾害智能预测预报
(2) 地质灾害监测仪器设备研发
(3) 水库滑坡演化机制与过程
(1) 库岸堆积层滑坡多场关联规律与组合式预测方法,国家自然科学青年基金项目,项目编号:42207212,主持;
(2) 基于多场信息监测的库岸滑坡组合式预测方法研究,博士后基金第70批面上资助,编号:2021M703002,主持;
(3) 地基扰动变形自动测斜监测设备研发,中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司, 2021M703002,主持;
(4) 基于滑带土强度劣化规律的库岸堆积层滑坡位移预测研究,岩土钻掘与防护教育部工程研究中心开放研究基金:202207,主持;
(5) 库岸滑坡多场关联规律与位移综合预测方法研究,湖北巴东地质灾害国家野外科学观测研究站,BNORSG202314,主持;
(6) 滑坡防治工程可靠性原位检测关键技术装备研发,国家重点研发计划项目,项目编号:2023YFC3007005,参与;
(7) 脆性变形体累进性破坏进程的空间推演与预警,国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,项目编号:2022YFC3080200,参与;
(8) 基于降雨和蒸发过程的区域边坡可靠性评价方法研究,国家自然科学基金项目,项目编号:42072314,参与;
(9) 三峡库区堆积层滑坡演化机理与变形概率预测研究,国家自然科学青年基金项目,项目编号:41702328,参与;
(10) 基于物联网和云平台的地铁工程深基坑信息化施工监测预警关键技术与系统集成,湖北省交通规划设计院股份有限公司,参与;
(11) 基于GNSS的杆塔基础稳定性监测策略研究,中国电建集团江西省电力设计院有限公司,参与;
(12) 软土地区桩基成桩与路基填筑扰动的理论方法优化与影响因素分析研究,中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司,参与;
(13) 机制与数据驱动下海陆交互相土层特性与大盾构工程风险评估研究,中铁十四局集团京滨铁路五标项目经理部,参与;
(14) 周期性动载-干湿作用下三峡库区水库滑坡 演化模型与动态预测,中国长江电力股份有限公司,参与;
(1) Zhang, J., Wen, T., & Zheng, W. (2025). Investigation, monitoring, stability, and risk assessment of geohazards. Frontiers in Earth Science, 13, 1552845.
(2) Zhang, X., Zhang, J.*, Wu, C., Zheng, W., Chen, J., Wang, G., & Dai, X. (2024). Development and Testing of a Multi-sensor Integrated Device for Reservoir Landslides Hydro-Fluctuation Zone. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.
(3) Zhang, J., Chen, C., Wu, C., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Development of An Image-based Borehole Flowmeter for Real-time Monitoring of Groundwater Flow Velocity and Direction in Landslide Boreholes. IEEE Sensors Journal.
(4) Zhang, J., Tang, H., Li, C., Gong, W., Zhou, B., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Deformation stage division and early warning of landslides based on the statistical characteristics of landslide kinematic features. Landslides, 21(4), 717-735. (ESI高被引、热点)
(5) Zhang, J., Tang, H., Tan, Q., Mao, M., Zhou, B., & Zhang, Y. (2024). A generalized early warning criterion for the landslide risk assessment: deformation probability index (DPI). Acta Geotechnica, 19(5), 2607-2627.
(6) Zhang, J., Tang, H., Zhou, B., Wen, T., & Zhang, S. (2024). A new early warning criterion for landslides movement assessment: Deformation Standardized Anomaly Index. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 83(5), 205.
(7) Zhang, J., Lin, C., Tang, H., Wen, T., Tannant, D. D., & Zhang, B. (2024). Input-parameter optimization using a SVR based ensemble model to predict landslide displacements in a reservoir area–A comparative study. Applied Soft Computing, 150, 111107.
(8) Zhang, J., Tang, H., Tannant, D. D., Lin, C., Xia, D., Wang, Y., & Wang, Q. (2021). A novel model for landslide displacement prediction based on EDR selection and multi-swarm intelligence optimization algorithm. Sensors, 21(24), 8352.
(9) Zhang, J., Tang, H., Tannant, D. D., Lin, C., Xia, D., Liu, X., ... & Ma, J. (2021). Combined forecasting model with CEEMD-LCSS reconstruction and the ABC-SVR method for landslide displacement prediction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 293, 126205.
(10) Zhang, J., Tang, H., Wen, T., Ma, J., Tan, Q., Xia, D., ... & Zhang, Y. (2020). A hybrid landslide displacement prediction method based on CEEMD and DTW-ACO-SVR—Cases studied in the three gorges reservoir area. Sensors, 20(15), 4287.
(11) 张俊荣, 陈保国, 易贤龙, 谭钦文, & 王坤鹏. (2017). 两侧水位变化时路堤渗流特征及稳定性分析. 公路交通科技, 34(2), 35-41.
(1) Wang, Q., Tang, H., An, P., Fang, K., Zhang, J., Miao, M., ... & Hu, S. (2024). Insight into the permeability and microstructure evolution mechanism of the Sliding Zone Soil: a Case Study from the Huangtupo Landslide, Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Journal of Earth Science, 35(3), 941-954.
(2) Jiang, H., Liu, X., Wei, H., Zhang, J., & Zhang, S. (2023). Stability evaluation of spoil dump slopes reinforced by air-injection drainage from the perspective of reliability analysis. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 82(8), 337.
(3) Wen, T., Wang, Y., Tang, H., Zhang, J., & Hu, M. (2023). Damage evolution and failure mechanism of red-bed rock under drying–wetting cycles. Water, 15(15), 2684.
(4) Wang, Y., Tang, H., Huang, J., Wen, T., Ma, J., & Zhang, J. (2022). A comparative study of different machine learning methods for reservoir landslide displacement prediction. Engineering Geology, 298, 106544. (ESI高被引、热点)
(5) Luo, Y., Zou, Z., Li, C., Duan, H., Thaw, N. M. M., Zhang, B., ... & Zhang, J. (2022). Analysis of shear constitutive models of the slip zone soil based on various statistical damage distributions. Applied Sciences, 12(7), 3493.
(6) Xia, D., He, C., Tang, H., Ge, Y., Ma, J., & Zhang, J. (2022). An efficient approach to determine the shear damage zones of rock joints using photogrammetry. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 55(9), 5789-5805.
(7) Niu, X., Ma, J., Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Chen, H., & Tang, H. (2021). A novel decomposition-ensemble learning model based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition and recurrent neural network for landslide displacement prediction. Applied Sciences, 11(10), 4684.
(8) Zhao, M., Yi, X., Zhang, J., & Lin, C. (2021). PPP-BOTDA distributed optical fiber sensing technology and its application to the Baishuihe landslide. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 660918.
(9) Ma, J., Niu, X., Tang, H., Wang, Y., Wen, T., & Zhang, J. (2020). Displacement prediction of a complex landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (China) using a hybrid computational intelligence approach. Complexity, 2020(1), 2624547.
(10) Liu, X., Ma, J., Tang, H., Zhang, S., Huang, L., & Zhang, J. (2020). A novel dynamic impact pressure model of debris flows and its application on reliability analysis of the rock mass surrounding tunnels. Engineering Geology, 273, 105694.
(11) Zhang, Y., Tang, H., Lu, G., Wang, Y., Li, C., Zhang, J., ... & Shen, P. (2020). Design and testing of inertial system for landslide displacement distribution measurement. Sensors, 20(24), 7154.
(12) Ma, J., Su, A., Zhang, J., Wen, T., & Wang, Y. (2019). Reliability analysis for a large and complex landslide in the three gorges reservoir area (China) based on incomplete information. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 10(1), 181-196.
(13) Ma, J., Niu, X., Liu, X., Wang, Y., Wen, T., & Zhang, J. (2019). Thermal infrared imagery integrated with terrestrial laser scanning and particle tracking velocimetry for characterization of landslide model failure. Sensors, 20(1), 219.
(14) Wang, X., Huang, L., & Zhang, J. (2019). A rheological model of sandstones considering response to thermal treatment. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019(1), 2143748.
(15) Ma, J., Tang, H., Liu, X., Wen, T., Zhang, J., Tan, Q., & Fan, Z. (2018). Probabilistic forecasting of landslide displacement accounting for epistemic uncertainty: a case study in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China. Landslides, 15, 1145-1153.
(16) Zhang, Y., Tang, H., Li, C., Lu, G., Cai, Y., Zhang, J., & Tan, F. (2018). Design and testing of a flexible inclinometer probe for model tests of landslide deep displacement measurement. Sensors, 18(1), 224.
(17) Tang, H., Zhang, J., Huang, L., Yan, C., Hu, S., & Mohamed Ez Eldin, M. A. (2018). Correction of Line‐Sampling Bias of Rock Discontinuity Orientations Using a Modified Terzaghi Method. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018(1), 1629039.
(18) Tang, H., Huang, L., Juang, C. H., & Zhang, J. (2017). Optimizing the Terzaghi estimator of the 3D distribution of rock fracture orientations. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 50, 2085-2099.
(19) 唐辉明, 李长冬, 龚文平, 邹宗兴, 张永权, 张抒, & 张俊荣. (2022). 滑坡演化的基本属性与研究途径. 地球科学, 47(12), 4596-4608.
(20) 赵萌, 唐辉明, 詹红兵, & 张俊荣. (2022). 求解岩体裂隙产状三维概率分布的数值方法.地球科学, 47(4), 1470-1482.
(21) 温韬, 唐辉明, 马俊伟, 张俊荣, & 范志强. (2019). 考虑初始损伤和残余强度的岩石变形过程模拟. 地球科学, 44(2), 652-663.
(1) Zhang J, Tang H, Tannant D, et al. Devices for tamping loose soil surrounding borehole. Canadian Patent, Patent No.CA3057086. Date of Patent: 2023.1.17. (发达国家发明专利)
(2) Zhang J, Tang H, Zhang Y, et al. Three-dimensional net-type monitoring system and method for underwater slope landslide deformation. United States Patent, Patent No.US11536861B2. Date of Patent: 2022.12.27. (发达国家发明专利)
(3) Zhang J, Tang H, Zhang Y, et al. Array-type underwater apparatus and method for monitoring deformation of a reservoir landslide. United States Patent, Patent No.US11719838B2. Date of Patent: 2023.8.8. (发达国家发明专利)
(4) Zhang J, Tang H, Zhang Y, et al. Arrangement device for integrated sensors at deep position of sliding mass and monitoring method. United States Patent, Patent No.US11828162B2. Date of Patent: 2023.11.28. (发达国家发明专利)
(5) 张俊荣, 唐辉明, 马俊伟等. 一种单孔地下水渗流矢量 . ZL201810469384.X, 2019.9.24.
(6) 张俊荣, 唐辉明, 道恩.田纳特等. 一种预制磁场布设系统及变形状态响应方法. ZL2019108634767.1, 2020.9.29.
(7) 张俊荣, 唐辉明, 张永权等. 一种滑坡水下网式三维变形监测系统及方法. ZL202110527710.X, 2022.3.15.
(8) 张俊荣, 唐辉明, 范志强等. 一种深部滑体多场信息监测装置及布设方法. ZL202110865363.1, 2022.6.24.
(9) 张俊荣, 唐辉明, 林成远等. 一种基于优化参数选择的滑坡预测方法. ZL202010895171.0, 2022.11.18.
(10) 张俊荣, 唐辉明, 张永权等. 一种滑坡水下变形特征转移监测设备与方法. ZL202210032026.9, 2023.2.28.
(11) 张俊荣, 唐辉明, 张永权等. 一种滑体深部集成式传感器布设装置及监测方法. ZL202110699213.8, 2023.3.24.
(12) 张俊荣, 唐辉明, 张永权等. 一种水库滑坡阵列式水下变形监测装置及监测方法. ZL202110407620.7, 2023.8.29.
(13) 张俊荣, 唐辉明, 蔡毅等. 一种单孔地下水位监测方法及实时监控装置. ZL201610801381.2, 2017.11.7.
(14) 张俊荣, 唐辉明, 葛云峰等. 一种裂缝三维状态变化监测方法及监测系统. ZL201610936136.2, 2017.10.13.
(15) 张俊荣, 唐辉明, 张永权等. 一种滑坡变形演化预警软件V1.0. 2023SR0405593, 2023.3.28.
(16) 张俊荣, 唐辉明, 张永权等.一种基于综合变形指数CSDI的滑坡变形预警软件. 2023SR0687182, 2023.6.16.
(17) 张俊荣, 夏丁, 唐辉明等. 基于CEEMD分解的滑坡位移预测软件V1.0. 2021SR0020272. 2021.1.6.
(18) 张俊荣, 马俊伟, 黄磊等. 一种基于VMD诱发因素频率成分提取的滑坡位移预测软件V1.0. 2021SR0623898. 2021.4.29.
(19) 张俊荣, 李长冬, 温韬等. 一种基于ABC-DTW的滑坡位移预测软件V1.2. 2021SR0972659. 2020.12.13.
(20) 张俊荣, 张永权, 黄磊等. 一种基于GA-CEEMD-EDR的滑坡位移预测软件V1.0. 2021SR0972657. 2020.11.19.
(21) 张俊荣, 刘晓, 林成远等. 一种基于GOW-EDR-SVR的滑坡位移预测软件V1.0. 2021SR0623897. 2021.4.29.
(1) Tang H, Zhang J, Zhang Y, et al. Device for monitoring underwater surface overflow seepage of landslide and monitoring method. United States Patent, Patent No. US11499852B1. Date of Patent: 2022.11.15. (发达国家发明专利)
(2) Tang H, Zhang J, Dwayne Tannant, et al. Lay-out devices for prefabricating magnetic field in sliding mass and methods for detecting deformation state of sliding mass. Canadian Patent, Patent No. CA3057126. Date of Patent: 2023.6.27. (发达国家发明专利)
(3) Tang H, Zhang J, Li C, et al. Devices for laying out prefabricated magnetic field and method of responding state of slip mass. United States Patent, Patent No. US10866334B2. Date of Patent: 2020.12.15. (发达国家发明专利)
(4) Tang H, Zhang J, Li C, et al. Monitoring device for deformation of locked patch crack of rock slope and arrangement method. United States Patent, Patent No. US11319810B1. Date of Patent: 2022.5.3. (发达国家发明专利)
(5) Tang H, Zhang J, Zhang Y, et al. Arrangement apparatus for multiple integrated sensors in deep position of sliding mass and arrangement method. United States Patent, Patent No. US11501623B1. Date of Patent: 2022.11.15. (发达国家发明专利)
(6) Tang H, Zhang Y, Zhang J, et al. Arrangement device for multiple sensors outside borehole of sliding mass and arrangement method. United States Patent, Patent No. US11572781B1. Date of Patent: 2023.2.7. (发达国家发明专利)
(7) Zhang Y, Tang H, Zhang J, et al. Unmanned system and method for monitoring lateral deformation of landslide based on inertial measurement. United States Patent, Patent No. US 11 859 974B2. Date of Patent: 2024.1.2. (发达国家发明专利)
(8) Zhang Y, Tang H, Zhang J, et al. Packaging structure of flexible sensing strip for monitoring large deformation at deep position of sliding mass and monitoring method. United States Patent, Patent No. US12007230B2. Date of Patent: 2024.6.11. (发达国家发明专利)
(9) 唐辉明, 张俊荣, 李长冬等. 一种预制磁场布设系统及滑体状态响应方法. ZL201811013277.2, 2019.11.15.
(10) 唐辉明, 张俊荣, 张永权等. 一种地下水流速流向单孔测量装置. ZL201610023425.3, 2017.10.10.
(11) 唐辉明, 张俊荣, 路桂英等.一种单井地下渗流流速流向测量仪. ZL201610022157.3, 2016.1.14.
(12) 唐辉明, 张俊荣, 张永权等. 一种嵌入式滑坡深部大变形监测装置及方法. ZL201810517713.3, 2019.8.20.
(13) 唐辉明, 张俊荣, 道恩.田纳特等. 一种垂直地质钻孔孔壁夯实装置和夯实方法. ZL201910897816.1, 2020.12.15.
(14) 黄磊, 张俊荣, 唐辉明等. 一种岩石裂隙网络产状三维统计分布的预测方法. ZL201710224352.9, 2018.4.17.
(15) 马俊伟, 张俊荣, 唐辉明等. 一种滑坡深部大位移自适应监测系统和方法. ZL201710256988.1, 2018.8.10.
(16) 马俊伟, 张俊荣, 牛晓旭等. 一种高填方路基涵洞主动式综合减荷结构和减荷方法. ZL202010658451.X, 2021.6.8.
(17) 唐辉明,张永权, 张俊荣等. 一种滑坡深部多集成传感器布设设备及监测方法. ZL202110527817.4, 2022.2.18.
(18) 张永权, 唐辉明, 张俊荣等. 一种滑坡深部大变形监测柔性传感条带封装结构与使用方法. ZL202110705678.X, 2022.3.8.
(19) 唐辉明, 张俊荣, 张永权等. 一种水库滑坡水下地表溢出渗流监测装置及方法. ZL202110654858.X, 2022.6.7.
(20) 林成远, 张俊荣, 唐辉明等. 一种滑坡点位移预测方法、预测设备及储存介质. ZL202110130434.3, 2022.6.24.
(21) 张永权, 唐辉明, 张俊荣等. 基于惯性测量技术的无人式滑坡横向变形监测系统及方法. ZL202110338044.5, 2022.5.4.
(22) 王倩芸, 唐辉明, 张俊荣等. 一种滑体预制磁场快速布设系统与布设方法. ZL202110834215.3, 2022.6.24.
(23) 唐辉明, 张俊荣, 李长冬等. 一种岩质边坡水下锁固段裂缝变形监测装置及布设方法. ZL202110700645.6, 2022.11.1.
(24) 张永权, 唐辉明, 张俊荣等. 一种手自动一体非电连接钻孔测斜仪和测量方法. ZL202110762412.9, 2023.3.28.
(25) 林成远, 李长冬, 张俊荣等. 岩石结构面形貌栅格点云耦合复位程序. 2021SR0587109. 2021.4.23.
(26) 林成远, 刘晓, 张俊荣等. 一种基于BA优化的滑坡位移预测软件V1.1. 2021SR0587110. 2021.4.23.
(27) 林成远, 张俊荣, 温韬等. 一种基于ACO-LCSS的滑坡位移预测软件V1.1. 2021SR0972658. 2021.6.30.
(28) 陈池, 吴川, 张俊荣等. 基于图像处理的滑坡渗流场流速流向监测软件. 2024SR1581856. 2024.10.22.
(29) 张鑫平, 吴文兵, 张俊荣等. 一种基于位移数据的滑坡预测预报综合分析软件V1.0. 2024SR1123050. 2024.8.5.
《Landslides》、《Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology》、《Applied Sciences》、《Sustainability》、《IEEE Access》、《Water》、 《Environmental Earth Sciences》、《Computers and Geosciences》、《Natural Hazards》、《Frontiers in Earth Science》、《Remote Sensing》、《Remote Sensing of Environment》、《Scientific Reports》、《Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk》、《Measurement》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Sensors》、《Expert Systems with Applications》