
​叶 阳

发布时间:Oct 20, 2022点击量:










叶阳,博士,特任教授,中国地质大学(武汉)地大学者青年拔尖人才。主要从事岩体力学特性及相关工程地质灾害的研究工作。目前以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI论文21篇,EI论文5篇;授权发明专利5项。SCI论文发表在《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》、《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》、《Engineering Geology》、《Computers and Geotechnics》、《Power Technology》等国际主流期刊上。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目1项、中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金重大项目课题1等。


2014.9-2019.6       武汉大学,岩土工程专业 工学博士学位

2017.11-2018.11   澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学,岩土工程专业,公派联合培养博士

2010.9-2014.6       武汉大学,土木工程专业 工学学士学位


2022.04-至今  中国地质大学(武汉),特任教授

2019.7-2022.2       武汉大学,重点资助博士后












[1] Zihan Zhang, Changdong Li, Yang Ye, Sha Lu. Rank-two tensorial shape descriptors: Insights into anisotropic permeability tensor characterization. Physics of Fluids, 2025, 37:011704.

[2] Olivier Buzzi, Yang Ye, Andrew Vidler. Numerical Study of Damage Accumulation in Brittle Spheres During Repeated Impacts and Development of a Conceptual Model for Rocks. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2024, 57:5155-5176.

[3] Yang Ye, Changdong Li, Yawu Zeng, Huiming Tang. Modelling dynamic breakage in rock blocks with different elongation and flatness ratios upon impact. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2024, 48(3):771-792.

[4] Liang Chen, Weiqian Zeng, Xianbiao Wang, Yang Ye, Yunfeng Ge, et al. A Three-Dimensional DEM Method for Trajectory Simulations of Rockfall under Irregular-Shaped Slope Surface and Rock Blocks. Journal of earth science, 2024, 35(1):306-312.

[5] Shufan Cheng, Yang Ye, Yawu Zeng, Rui Gao, et al. Numerical investigation on the debonding of cement anchorage in clay rocks based on a hybrid FEM/DEM model. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 156:105276.

[6] Yang Ye, Changdong Li, Yawu Zeng, Huiming Tang. 3D DEM simulations of the variability of rock mechanical behaviour based on random rock microcracks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2023, 167:105395.

[7] Yang Ye, Yawu Zeng, Shufan Cheng, et al. Three-dimensional DEM simulation of the nonlinear crack closure behavior of rocks. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2022, 46:1956-1971.

[8] Yang Ye, Yawu Zeng, Hanqing Sun, et al. An experimental study of the contact mechanical behaviour of marble spheres under cyclic loading. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2022, 155:105143.

[9] Yang Ye, Yawu Zeng, Hanqing Sun, et al. An experimental study on the influence of multiple contacts and size on contact behavior of marble sphere. Granular Matter, 2021, 23(2):1-13.

[10] Yang Ye, Yawu Zeng, Hanqing Sun, et al. An experimental and theoretical study of the cyclic contact behaviour for rock sphere. Powder Technology, 2021, 385: 375-385.

[11] Yang Ye, Yawu Zeng, Shufan Cheng, et al. Numerical investigation of rock sphere breakage upon oblique impact: effect of the contact friction coefficient and impact angle. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 136:104207.

[12] Yang Ye, Yawu Zeng, Xi Chen, et al. Development of a viscoelastoplastic contact model for the size- and velocity-dependent normal restitution coefficient of a rock sphere upon impact. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 132:104014.

[13] Yang Ye, Jianwu Ma, Zhijun Wu, Yawu Zeng. A novel 3D-FDEM method using finite-thickness cohesive element to simulate the nonlinear mechanical behaviour of rocks. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 140:104478.

[14] Hanqing Sun, Yang Ye, Yawu Zeng et al. Experimental study on the fragment characteristics of marble spheres under repeated impacts. Engineering Geology, 2021, 289: 106162.

[15] Xi Chen, Yawu Zeng, Yang Ye et al. The physical meaning of Grasselli's morphology parameters and its correlations with several other 2D fracture roughness parameters. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2021, 145: 104854.

[16] Xi Chen, Yawu Zeng, Yang Ye et al. A Simplified form of Grasselli's 3D Roughness Measure θ*max/(C+1). Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 54:4329-4346.

[17] Hanqing Sun, Yawu Zeng, Yang Ye et al. Abnormal size effect of particle breakage probability under repeated impacts. Power Technology, 2020, (363):629-641.

[18] Yang Ye, Yawu Zeng, Klaus Thoeni, Anna Giacomini. An experimental and theoretical study of the normal coefficient of restitution for marble spheres. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52(6):1705-1722.

[19] Yang Ye, Klaus Thoeni, Yawu Zeng, Olivier Buzzi, Anna Giacomini. A novel 3D clumped particle method to simulate the complex mechanical behavior of rock. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2019, 120:1-16.

[20] Yang Ye, Klaus Thoeni, Yawu Zeng, Olivier Buzzi, Anna Giacomini. Numerical investigation of the fragmentation process in marble spheres upon dynamic impact. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, (53): 1287-1304.

[21] Yang Ye, Yawu Zeng. A size-dependent viscoelastic normal contact model for particle collision. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2017, 106:120-132.

[22] 程树范, 叶阳, 曾亚武, 高睿, 彭志雄. 干缩、湿胀作用下黏土岩崩解的FDEM模拟. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2023, 42(08):2068-2080.

[23] 叶阳, 曾亚武, 杜欣,. 球形砾石碰撞损伤破碎三维离散元模拟研究. 岩土力学,202041(s1):369-378.

[24] 叶阳, 曾亚武, 彭志雄,. 大理岩球砾法向碰撞恢复系数及损伤破碎试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2018, 37(7):1680-1690.

[25] 叶阳, 曾亚武, 曾超, 金磊. 花岗岩球砾法向恢复系数试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2017, 36(3):633-643.

[26] 叶阳, 曾亚武, 金磊, 夏磊. 砂岩球体法向恢复系数细观试验研究. 爆炸与冲击, 2017, 37(5):813-821.


[1] Yunfeng Ge, Weixiang Chen, Yang Ye, Huiming Tang. Experimental study on the influence of morphological parameters on kinematics of rockfall trajectory. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2024, 83:324.

[2] Liang Chen, Yunfeng Ge, Xuming Zeng, Haiyan Wang, Changdong Li, Shan Dong, Yang Ye, Dongming Gu. Rapid Evaluation of Rock Mass Integrity of Engineering Slopes Using Three-Dimensional Laser Scanning. Journal of Earth Science, 2023, 34(6):1920-1925.

[3] Huawei Zhang, Changdong Li, Ni Xie, Wenmin Yao, Yang Ye, Nang Mon Mon Thaw. Characterization of Macro- and Meso- Scale Shear Behavior of Soil-Brick Mixtures with Different Contents and Shapes of Brick by Discrete Element Method. Journal of Earth Science, 2023, 34(5):1641-1644.

[4] Hanqing Sun, Yawu Zeng, Shulin Ren, Yang Ye, Xi Chen. Breakage probability of marble spheres under normal, repeated impacts. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019, 130:68-78.

[5] Lei Jin, Yawu Zeng, Lei Xia, Yang Ye. Experimental and numerical investigation of mechanical behaviors of cemented soil-rock mixture. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 2016, 35(1):1-18.

[6] Zhixiong Peng, Yawu Zeng, Yang Ye et al. A statistical damage constitutive model for rock based on modified Mohr–Coulomb strength criterion. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021, 14(23):1-17.

[7] 程树范,曾亚武,叶阳.甘肃红层泥岩耐崩解试验与矿物夹杂效应研究.岩土力学,2023,44(S1):99-106.

[8] 刘超龙,叶阳,曾亚武等.气体密度和初压对炸药爆炸压力衰减的影响.中国安全生产科学技术,2022,18(11):126-132.

[9] 程树范,曾亚武,叶阳.基于相对湿度场和变模量本构的岩土膨胀分析模型.工程科学与技术,2023,55(05):99-108.

[10] 韩科,叶阳,曾亚武.临空面对破碎锤冲击破岩效果的影响研究.粉煤灰综合利用,2022,38(02):41-48.

[11] 柳镕林,曾亚武,叶阳,孙翰卿,刘洋.复杂接触下大理岩球砾碰撞破碎特征.科学技术与工程,2022,22(06):2419-2427.

[12] 程树范,叶阳,曾亚武,高睿.基于损伤-虚拟张拉裂纹模型的地下爆炸围岩破坏规律研究.爆炸与冲击,2022,42(05):172-184.

[13] 马文俊,曾亚武,叶阳.大理岩球砾循环加卸载接触力学特性试验研究.长江科学院院报,2022,39(07):93-101.

[14] 汤胜旗,曾亚武,叶阳.临空面对TBM楔刀贯入破岩效果影响试验研究.人民长江,2021,52(11):175-182+189.

[15] 王珂,曾亚武,叶阳.岩石球砾弹塑性碰撞能耗分析及数值模拟.粉煤灰综合利用,2020,34(02):7-14.

[16] 张艳林,曾天成,甘甜,叶阳,王新顺.真实复杂地层大直径钢顶管三维数值模拟研究[J].科学技术与工程,2020,20(33):13791-13798.

[17] 史喜珍,马建武,甘甜,叶阳,张艳林.废弃玻璃钢夹砂管破碎物制备透水砖透水及强度性能研究.新型建筑材料,2020,47(10):123-126+168.

[18] 金磊,曾亚武,叶阳,李晶晶.不规则颗粒及其集合体三维离散元建模方法的改进.岩土工程学报,2017,39(07):1273-1281.

[19] 金磊,曾亚武,叶阳.土石混合体单轴压缩试验的三维颗粒流数值模拟.长江科学院院报,2016,33(07):93-99+104.

[20] 夏磊,曾亚武,金磊,叶阳.初始水平主应力对应力阴影效应的影响研究.岩石力学与工程学报,2016,35(S1):2819-2825.

[21] 金磊,曾亚武,叶阳,夏磊.基于不规则颗粒离散元的土石混合体三维随机模型及其数值试验.长江科学院院报,2016,33(05):94-101.

[22] 金磊,曾亚武,叶阳,夏磊.基于不规则颗粒离散元的土石混合体三维随机模型及其数值试验.长江科学院院报,2016,33(05):94-101.


[1]  曾亚武,叶阳.一种岩石碰撞试验装置.专利号:ZL201810036491.3.(发明专利)

[2]  叶阳,韩科,曾亚武.一种钻爆辅助破岩的复合全断面隧道掘进机刀盘系统。专利号:ZL201911280592.6. (发明专利)

[3]  叶阳,曾亚武,韩科.一种缓冲高速落石冲击的新型棚洞顶部复合结构.专利号: ZL202020967187.3.实用新型)

[4]  叶阳,马文俊,曾亚武. 一种球形岩石侧向约束压缩试验装置.专利号: ZL202022227593.9.(实用新型)

[5]  叶阳,马文俊,曾亚武.一种可防落石冲击的新型桁架桥结构.专利号: ZL202022254776.X.实用新型)

[6]  邓彬,叶阳,程严,李支令,程树范.一种灌注桩孔底清渣除水装置. 专利号:ZL202210589037.7(发明专利)

[7]  王聪,叶阳,杨航,邹顺清,张哲.一种淤泥质土条件下平原临河库盆递进开挖的施工方法专利号:ZL202210510812.5(发明专利)

[8]  张艳林,叶阳,倪华军,曾锐鸿,刘超龙.一种土工膜机械摊铺焊接一体化作业设备及方法. 专利号:ZL202111650258.2(发明专利)

[9]  任明吉,叶阳,张艳林,李时臻,程树范.一种轻型履带式混凝土振捣抹平装置. 专利号:ZL202122144308.1(实用新型)

[10]  张艳林,叶阳,程严,张小山,李时臻,张哲.一种用于大面积混凝土浇筑的泵送振捣装置. 专利号:ZL202220634643.1(实用新型)


[1] 自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(42107175):落石碰撞破碎概率及碎片分布特征研究2022.1-2024.12,主持。



[4] 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题(42090054):动水驱动型滑坡启滑机制与判据,2021.1-2025.12,参与。

[5] 湖北省自然科学基金创新群体项目2022CFA002):重大滑坡地质灾害演化机理与预测预报,2022.06-2025.06,参与。

[6] 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目(41772308):落石重复碰撞损伤累积及破碎特征研究,2018.1-2021.12,参与。

[7] 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目(41272342):土石混合体变形破坏机理的三维离散元精细模拟,2013.1-2016.12,参与。

[8] 横向课题:库区高位远程地质灾害发育特征与重点库岸稳定专题研究,中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司,2023.11-2025.10,专题主持。

[9] 横向课题:复杂环境下基坑-建筑交叉同步快速施工及风险管控关键技术研究,广州市设计院集团,2023.11-2024.12,主持。

[10] 横向课题:青海贵南哇让抽水蓄能电站可行性研究工程地质勘测-下水库进/出水口边坡稳定性分析及不良地质体治理研究,华东勘测设计院(福建)有限公司,2022.4-2024.12,子课题负责人。

[11] 横向课题:深圳北线引水工程安全隐患整改(含龙茜供水顶管工程)关键技术研究,中国水利水电第七工程局有限公司,2019.7-2020.6,专题主持。

[12] 横向课题:淤质土地基绿色快速施工关键技术研究,中国水利水电第七工程局有限公司,2021.3-2023.6,专题主持。

[13] 横向课题:动水驱动下重大水库滑坡智能识别与物理启动滑移判据研究,中国长江电力股份有限公司,2024.11-2027.11,专题主持。

[14] 横向课题:蕲春至太湖高速公路蕲春东段QCDTJ-2项目路基高边坡监测,湖北交投建设集团,2023.06-2025.12,主持。


[1]  广东省土木建筑学会科学技术奖二等奖(R8

[2]  中国地质大学(武汉)“地大学者”青年拔尖人才


[1] 中国岩石力学与工程学会测试专业委员会委员

[2] 中国地质学会会员

[3] 中国力学学会会员

[4]  2023.05,武汉,第八届青年地学论坛,分会场报告,题目:岩石非线性压密特性及力学参数离散性的三维离散元模拟研究

[5] 2023.09,成都,XIV IAEG Congress 2023,分会场报告,题目:The preliminary study of contact mechanical behavior of rock blocks

[6] 2023.11,宁波,第十一次全国岩石力学与工程试验及测试学术大会,分会场报告,题目:岩石颗粒接触力学特性试验研究

[7] 《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》、《Computers and Geotechnics》、《Power Technology》、《International Journal of Impact Engineering》等期刊审稿人


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